Recreational, cultural and sporting activities provide one of the biggest opportunities to help build self-esteem, self-image and relationships. We aim to help all young people in our care to pursue their interest, to develop confidence and skills and to participate in a wide range of leisure activities. We pay special attention in helping young people celebrate events such as birthdays, name days, religious festivals and other celebrations.
Whilst developing Personal Plans, we consider the young people’s leisure interests and how they might best be met. Young people are fully consulted about evening, weekend and holiday activities. This may include off-site activities such as football, tennis, basketball and cooking facilities or simply taking the time to relax. Great importance is placed upon the merits of being within and part of a healthy domestic structure. Although not always overtly evident to the young people, the operational aspects of normal and natural domestic living, are given careful and deliberate consideration in order to be therapeutic and a profound source of learning.